Masters of String Jazz
1. Deliver a comprehensive overview of the use of stringed instruments throughout the evolution of jazz to the present and to introduce some of string jazz’s seminal players
2. Demonstrate how the changes in instrumentation and compositional styles throughout the evolution of jazz has effected the technical and expressive range of stringed instruments
3. Foster and encourage interest in string jazz for both listeners and players
TARGET AUDIENCE: The lecture and performance is appropriate for all ages, but recommended for MS to adult. String players participating in the clinic should be advanced MS to adult.
ENHANCE YOUR SCHOOL’S MUSIC CURRICULUM AND BROADEN THE SCOPE OF YOUR ARTS PRESENTATION OR PERFORMANCE SERIES: String jazz has often been an under-represented movement within the jazz idiom, though there are many great string players throughout the history of jazz who were seminal in adding to the expressive language of jazz. This “Masters of String Jazz” lecture-performance-clinic will enhance and diversify your school music curriculum and broaden the scope of your arts presentation or performance series by including string jazz in the usual lineup of piano, bass, drums, guitar and horns and help create a more complete picture of jazz history. Musicians and non-musicians alike who are curious about the historic role of stringed instruments in jazz will be entertained and educated by this presentation.
WHAT IS THE EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT OF THE EVENT?: Following the lecture-performance, the audience will be invited to participate in a Q&A discussion about the material presented, and the final 30-45 minutes (depending on how many participants are in the audience) of the 2 hour presentation can be a dedicated string jazz clinic, during which time the leader will invite string players from the audience to sit in with the band. During this clinic portion of the presentation, participants will be coached in various improvisational concepts and have the opportunity to try out ideas inspired by the lecture and performance. The lecture will include recorded audio and be punctuated by live performance and demonstrations by Gaines and Wagoner.